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Москва, Ленинградский пр-кт, д. 5, стр. 2
План проезда


Microsoft Windows Server 2022/2019/2016
Microsoft Windows 10
Облачные технологии: Azure, Microsoft 365
Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 / 2019
Microsoft System Center
Microsoft Skype for business 2019
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 / 2016
Microsoft SharePoint 2016 / 2019
Microsoft Visual Studio 2016
Корпоративное обучение пользователей Microsoft Office
Более ранние версии программных продуктов Microsoft
Отмененные курсы в 2021г.
Отмененные курсы в 2020г.
Отмененные в 2020г. On-Demand
Отмененные курсы в 2019г.
Отмененные курсы в 2018г.
Microsoft BizTalk Server
Microsoft Business Applications

Курс OD20537: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack

Цена для физических лиц, р.:
Цена для юридических лиц, р.:
Цена вебинара для физических лиц, р.: 24900
Цена вебинара для юридических лиц, р.: 24900

Продолжительность курса (дней): 90

Даты (день):

Даты (вечер):


Необходимая подготовка:

Формат обучения, регистрация на курс:

План курса:

Module 1: Overview of Azure Stack

  • What is Azure Stack?
  • Comparing Azure Stack with Microsoft Azure.
  • Comparing Azure Stack to Windows Azure Pack.

Module 2: Deploying Microsoft Azure Stack

  • Microsoft Azure Stack Architecture.
  • Azure Stack Prerequisites.
  • Installing Azure Stack.
    • Lab : Confirming prerequisites and installing Microsoft Azure Stack

Module 3: Foundational Components of Microsoft Azure Stack

  • Windows Server 2016 and System Center 2016.
  • Identity and Authentication.
    • Lab : Reviewing the Azure Stack Infrastructure

Module 4: Microsoft Azure Stack and DevOps

  • Technologies used in Microsoft Azure Stack for DevOps.
  • Azure Resource Manager Templates.
  • How does DevOps use the Azure Stack Technologies?
    • Lab : Debugging and Deploying ARM Templates

Module 5: Offering Microsoft Azure Stack Resources

  • Working with Plans and Offers.
  • Microsoft Azure Stack Marketplace.
    • Lab: Managing Offers and Plans in Microsoft Azure Stack

Module 6: Infrastructure as a Service and Microsoft Azure Stack

  • Software Defined Networking improvements with Microsoft Azure Stack and Windows Server 2016.
  • Azure Stack Storage.
  • Virtual Machines in Microsoft Azure Stack.
    • Lab : Provisioning Storage and Virtual Machines in Microsoft Azure Stack

Module 7: Platform as a Service and Microsoft Azure Stack

  • Understanding the concept of PaaS.
  • SQL Server and My SQL Server Providers in Microsoft Azure Stack.
  • App Service Resource Provider.
    • Lab : Configuring Resource Providers in Microsoft Azure Stack

Module 8: Monitoring in Microsoft Azure Stack

  • Field Replaceable Unit.
  • Azure Stack Control Plane Monitoring.
  • Patching the Azure Stack Infrastructure.
  • Monitoring Guest Workloads in Microsoft Azure Stack.
    • Lab : Troubleshooting and Monitoring Microsoft Azure Stack and Guest Operating Systems

Module 9: License Microsoft Azure Stack and Billing Tenants

  • How to pay for Azure Stack.
  • Azure Consistent Usage API.
    • Lab : Obtaining Usage Information

Module 10: Custom and Third-Party Resource Providers for Microsoft Azure Stack

  • Developing Custom Resource Providers for Azure Stack.
  • Third-Party Resource Providers.
    • Lab : Configuring Third-Party and Custom Resource Providers in Microsoft Azure Stack


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