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План проезда


Курс M6460: Visual Studio 2008: Windows Presentation Foundation

Цена для физических лиц, р.: 14500
Цена для юридических лиц, р.: 16500

Продолжительность курса (дней): 3

Даты (день):

Даты (вечер):

Цель: Получение теоретических и практических навыков создания, настройки и конфигурирования решений на базе Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation в среде Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Разработка современного пользовательского интерфейса важная часть любого решения. Новая версия библиотеки .Net Framework 3.0 представляет новую архитектуру для создания пользовательского интерфейса на базе Windows Presentation Foundation, которая обеспечивает высокую гибкость и расширяемость при создании решений. На курсе «Visual Studio 2008: Windows Presentation Foundation» рассматриваются основные приемы и методы эффективного использования WPF классов в профессиональных разработках. Данный курс предназначен для разработчиков, которые планируют пользоваться платформой Microsoft .Net Framework версии 3.0 в своей практике. Особенно курс будет интересен разработчикам, занимающихся дизайном и созданием систем пользовательского интерфейса.

Необходимая подготовка: Before attending this course, students should have intermediate experience developing applications by using previous versions of Microsoft Visual Studio at level 200.

Формат обучения, регистрация на курс:

План курса:

  • Создание приложения с использованием Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Разработка пользовательского интерфейса
  • Настройка и модификация внешнего вида приложения
  • Привязка данных (Data Binding)
  • Коллекции как источник данных
  • Создание новых элементов управления
  • Управление документами
  • Графика и мультимедиа
  • Конфигурирование и развёртывание WPF приложения
Module 1: Creating an Application by Using WPF

This module explains how to build a WPF application.


Overview of WPF
Creating a Simple WPF Application
Handling Events and Commands
Navigating Between Pages

Lab: Creating a WPF Application

Creating a Standalone WPF Application
Handling Events and Commands
Navigating Between Pages
Creating an XBAP Application

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain WPF concepts and features.
Create a simple WPF application.
Handle events and commands.
Navigate between pages in a WPF application.

Module 2: Building User Interfaces

This module explains how to build a user interface in a WPF application.


Defining Layout
Using Content Controls
Using Item Controls
Hosting Windows Forms Controls

Lab: Building User Interfaces

Defining Layout
Using Content Controls
Using Item Controls
Hosting Windows Forms Controls

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Define layout.
Use content controls.
Use items controls.
Host Windows Forms controls.

Module 3: Customizing Appearance

This module explains how to customize the appearance of a WPF application.


Sharing Logical Resources in an Application
Creating Consistent User Interfaces Using Styles
Changing the Appearance of Controls Using Templates
Using Triggers and Animations

Lab: Customizing the Appearance of a WPF Application

Sharing Logical Resources in an Application
Creating Consistent User Interfaces Using Styles
Changing the Appearance of Controls Using Templates
Using Triggers and Animations

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Share logical resources throughout and application.
Create a consistent user interface appearance by using styles.
Change the appearance of controls using templates.
Change the appearance of user interface elements by using triggers and animations.

Module 4: Data Binding

This module explains how to bind user interface controls to data sources.


Overview of Data Binding
Create a Data Binding
Implementing Property Change Notification
Converting Data
Validating Data

Lab: Data Binding

Binding Controls to Data
Implementing Property Change Notifications
Defining Value Converters
Validating Data

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain WPF data binding concepts and terminology.
Create a binding between a data source and a control.
Implement property change notifications.
Convert data between the binding source and the binding target.
Validate data entered by the user.

Module 5: Data Binding to Collections

This module explains how to bind user interface controls to collections.


Binding to Collections of Objects
Using Collection Views
Create Master-Detail User Interfaces
Using Data Templates

Lab: Data Binding to Collections

Binding to Collections of Objects
Using Collection Views
Create Master-Detail User Interfaces
Using Data Templates

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Bind to a collection of objects.
Sort, filter, and group collections by using collection views.
Create master-detail user interfaces.
Fine-tune data display by using data templates.

Module 6: Creating New Controls

This module explains how to create new controls in a WPF application.


Overview of Control Authoring
Creating Controls

Lab: Creating New Controls

Creating User Controls
Creating Custom Controls

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain scenarios and options for creating new controls.
Create user controls.
Create custom controls.

Module 7: Managing Documents

This module explains how to manage documents in a WPF application.


Working with Flow Documents
Working with Fixed Documents
Packaging Documents
Printing Documents

Lab: Managing Documents

Creating and Displaying Flow Documents
Creating and Displaying Fixed Documents
Packaging Documents
Printing Documents

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create and view flow documents.
Create and view fixed documents.
Package a document.
Print a document.

Module 8: Graphics and Multimedia

This module explains how to add graphics and multimedia support to a WPF application.


Displaying 2D graphics
Displaying Images
Displaying 3D Graphics
Going Further with 3D Graphics
Adding Multimedia Support

Lab: Adding Graphics and Multimedia Support to a WPF Application

Displaying 2D graphics
Displaying Images
Displaying 3D Graphics
Playing Audio and Video Clips

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Display 2D graphics.
Add images in a WPF application.
Display 3D graphics.
Use additional 3D graphics capabilities.
Add multimedia content to a WPF application.

Module 9: Configure and Deploy WPF Applications

This module explains how to configure and deploy WPF applications.


Deployment Options
Deploying a Standalone WPF Application
Deploying an XBAP Application
Configuring Security Settings

Lab: Configuring and Deploying WPF Applications

Deploying a Standalone WPF Application
Creating Deployment and Application Manifests
Deploying an XBAP Application

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain deployment options.
Deploy a standalone WPF application.
Deploy an XBAP application.
Configure security settings.


   Тел: +74953633686 email: info@stars-s.ru

   125040, Москва, Ленинградский проспект, д. 5, стр. 2, под. 5, офис "Звезды и С"

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